Nutritional Weapons Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to Nutritional Weapons (“NW”). The Privacy Policy sets forth the manner in which NW collects personally identifiable information about you, how that information is used, and who receives that information. “Personally identifiable information” means any information that identifies you as an individual or has the ability to identify you as an individual.

Collection of Information

The only personally identifiable information that NW collects and/or stores is the personally identifiable information that you voluntarily submit to NW. No other personally identifiable information, including protected health information, is collected by NW.

NW collects information about you or your use of NW‘s website (the “Site”) when you: Subscribe to a service, product or tool provided by NW; Communicate with NW in any form; Take part in surveys or provide NW with feedback; Visit or log onto the Site.

Personally identifiable information that you voluntarily provide to NW may be retained indefinitely for the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy. Any personally identifiable information you voluntarily provide to NW will be stored in a secure environment.

NW may collect information about you based on your use of the Site by using “cookies” to capture data. Cookies are pieces of information placed on your computer‘s hard drive that record information about your presence on the Site. The information captured by the use of cookies is in aggregate form only and in a manner that does not reveal your personal identity. You may set your browser controls to reject cookies or to notify you when a site attempts to place a cookie on your computer. Rejecting cookies may affect your ability to use some of the services on the Site.

Use of Information

The aggregate information collected by NW does not identify you personally and is used to maintain or improve the Site or to customize the Site to you. NW will not use information collected by cookies to track your visits to third-party websites or to provide any personally identifiable data about you.

We may use your personally identifiable information to: Provide you with updates on programs, tools or services offered by NW; Keep you informed about changes to the NW Site; Prevent, detect and eliminate criminal or fraudulent activity, including misuse of or damage to the Site; For other administrative purposes at the discretion of NW.

NW will not sell, rent, license or otherwise share any personally identifiable information you provide without your consent. NW will not use your personally identifiable information to send you unsolicited email or communication (“spam”) without your consent.

Disclosure of Information

NW reserves the right to share your personally identifiable information with third parties, but only to the extent necessary to provide the services you requested. NW may also share your personally identifiable information as required by law or by appropriate order from a court of competent jurisdiction. NW reserves the right to share aggregated data with its vendors or suppliers for the maintenance and improvement of the Site.

Third-Party Links

Third-party websites that are linked to NW‘s Site are not covered by this Privacy Policy. NW has no responsibility or liability for your use of third-party websites, for the personally identifiable information you provide to third-party websites, or for the use by third-party websites of your personally identifiable information that you provide to them.

Changes to Information

You may change, amend, update or remove any personally identifiable information you voluntarily provided to NW at any time. To make any changes, send a written request to NW at, stating what information you would like changed, amended, updated or removed.

Changes to Privacy Policy

NW‘s Privacy Policy is subject to change at the discretion of NW. Your continued use of the Site indicates your agreement to the changes and to the use of your information as set out in this Policy.

Who can look at, receive and share my health information or medical record?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ( HIPAA ) Privacy Rule sets rules and limits on who can look at and receive your protected health information, or information that relates to your health or health care you have received and can also be used to identify you. Your health information may be used and shared with doctors and hospitals; with family, relatives, friends, or others you specify; with the police in special cases such as gunshot wounds; and with government agencies that report on the incidence of various illnesses.

Your health care provider and health plan must give you a notice that tells you how they may use and share your health information and how you can exercise your health privacy rights. In most cases, you should get this notice on your first visit to a provider or in the mail from your health insurer, and you can ask for a copy at any time. The provider or health plan cannot use or disclose information in a way that is not consistent with their notice.

Unless HIPAA explicitly allows for the use or disclosure of your protected health information (similar to the situations as noted above), your personal health information ( PHI ) cannot be used or shared without your written permission. For example, without your authorization, your provider generally cannot give your information to your employer, use or share your information for marketing or advertising purposes, or share private notes about your health care.